Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday's Links

  • Mechelle Voepel has some questions as we head into the 2006-07 season.
  • ESPN.com asks their "experts" what bumps in the road await the Terps. All three are worried about SWG, while Graham Hays is still under the notion that Laura Harper isn't that good.
  • ESPN.com asks their "experts" for their predictions.
  • CSTV has done a preseason poll, a preview, listed 64 things we need to know about the upcoming season broken into Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 and gave us some don't miss games.
  • CBS Sportsline previews the season.
  • The Iowa Gazette writes about Brenda
  • The ladies over at dcbasketcases.blogspot.com gave their opinion about Brenda's new book Overtime is Ourtime. I have only skimmed the book thus far, but I do agree with some of the stuff they wrote.

    There should be more articles tomorrow with media day happening today.


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