Monday, March 12, 2007

Back For Seconds Starts in Hartford

As if there was any doubt, we made it again. We got the two seed everyone, but Jerry Palm predicted and we get to stay relatively close to home as we are in the Dayton Regional. That will give us a chance to get used to Ohio for a return trip a few days later. Maybe Coach Floyd can show us the hot spots! The one bad thing? Everyone is saying we got the dreaded worst bracket in the field. I, for one, like our bracket. The only true defensive minded team in our half is UT and I think we owe them some payback from last year. But we can't look at head just yet...the first course is Harvard and that is served on Sunday.

The ESPN experts have already done their picking and only one thinks we make it to Cleveland, one doesn't even think we make the Elite 8.

And an early thanks to Kara Lawson for not believing we could make it to Cleveland as well as Stacy Dales for telling the team that they need to play two halves.

Harvard preview coming later in the week.